Hello and welcome. My name is Iris Thomas and I have devoted my entire career to helping kids.
Is your child, adolescent or young adult...
feeling depressed?
having unrealistic or unusual worries?
engaging in hair pulling or skin picking?
not speaking in social situations?
having anxiety when away from a parent?
experiencing low self-esteem?
struggling to make connections with peers?
trying to recover from a traumatic event?
concerned about their transition into middle school or high school?
having difficulties adjusting in college?
asking to speak to a therapist?
I can help teach you and your kids the tools they need to improve their lives. The decision to seek help is not always easy. With this in mind, please know that I strive to maintain a warm, supportive atmosphere in my practice. Please don't hesitate to call me to discuss your concerns. I can be contacted at 410-730-2240 to make a first time appointment.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.